Friday, January 26, 2007


Well, I got in 3.5 miles last night. It should have been a 5 mile tempo run, but I haven't been feeling well all week and I had missed two runs in a row. So I felt clumsy and out of shape and my stomach was hurting. Weak, yes, but here's the thing: I'm still hoping to get in 7 miles on Sunday and there's nothing I fear more than making running become a loathsome chore I dread rather than the highlight of my day or week. I hope that one day I'll be one of those supremely dedicated people who has run every day for ten years, but for now running is still finding a place in my routines. My biggest goal aside from staying on schedule is to begin running Tuesday mornings before work and classes. Since Tuesday is my easy day, I can probably get away with a 6:30 am wake up, but that's still a full hour before our alarm clock usually goes off. Andy claims Tuesdays will become my favorite day of the week, which proves that he either doesn't know me at all, or knows me better than I know myself.

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