Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Schedule, New Pace Goals, New Running Buddy

I posted an updated training schedule at the bottom of the page with tempo run pace goals in the high 9s. I think this will put me in a good place to start training for the marathon and (I'm hoping) give me a good 12k time to base my training goals on. I'll be swapping out the speed trainings for hill work, and trying to incorporate more hills into my other runs as well.

Unfortunately, Andy's been having some trouble with his ankles and hasn't been running with me much recently. Back in his serious tennis days, he wore down the cartilage in his ankles and was told he would never walk again without a cane. He recovered, but he can't play much tennis or run on pavement more than about once a week. I prefer running with another person, especially on long runs, so I was excited when a friend's girlfriend emailed last week wanting to start running together. She ran the San Francisco Marathon last year, and wants to start training for it again. I hope to meet up with her for a run in the next couple of weeks.

For today, I'm planning on 6 miles through the park and around Stow Lake, hoping the shin will hold up and confirm that I really am back on track.

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