Sunday, March 18, 2007

12K Race Report

With the recent time change, it was still dark when the alarm clock went off at 6:15 am this morning. We dozed until nearly 6:45, then rushed down to the race site, where shuttles waited to take us over the Golden Gate Bridge to the starting line in Sausalito. The process was very slow, and we didn't get to the starting point until about 10 minutes before start time.

We were unsure of the course and were expecting the first half to be difficult and hilly, but after about a mile of hill climbing, the course leveled off over the bridge, then sloped gradually to dramatically down to the waterfront. The last 3.45 miles were straight and flat. We started slowly, a combination of the hill and heavy crowds keeping us near an 11:30 pace for the first mile. Once we reached the bridge, we set about making up some time, picking our way through chunks of runners until we reached the other side. By mile 3, we were at a steady 9:30 pace, and were averaging a 10 minute mile.

Andy took off around mile 4. I kept looking ahead until I could no longer see him, then settled in to hold my pace. I reached the 5 mile marker in around 48 minutes and knew I had a good chance of beating my time goal. 6 miles, still going, but already starting to wait for the 7 mile marker. This was the first race where I had enough experience to count down in tangible terms: 5k to go, 2 miles to go, 1 mile, half a mile.

At the 7 mile mark, they threw in a moderately steep hill and I had the satisfaction of seeing runners fall away as I plodded up. Over the hill, there was a down hill, and Andy waiting to run with me to the finish line (he'd come in 5 minutes ahead). I sped down and through the chute, officially coming in right around 1:14 - a full minute faster than my goal. In reality, we reached the starting line about 40 seconds after the clock started, so my time was even a little better. But had I known the women's 70 and over winner would complete the run in 1:10, I would have set that as my goal! :)

One skill I have not yet mastered is drinking on the run. Andy grabs the cup, throws it at his face, and whatever water reaches his mouth is what he drinks. I would like to feel like some water is actually reaching my stomach, but can't seem to manage this without coming to a complete stop, getting in peoples way, gulping a few gulps, then starting to run again. Any suggestions?

The half marathon is 5 weeks away - just far enough to get in a few long runs and maybe throw in a little speed work of some kind.


Phil said...

Fantastic race report Rose! Congratulations on a great effort. You're very smart to count the distance to go and not the time to go. This strategy will really help when you get out to the half and full marathon distances (when the time to go is down right depressing).

Drinking on the run is simple once you master it. Grab the cup with your fore finger on the inside of the rim to ensure you don't drop the cup. Pinch the top of the cup closed. Suck the water out of the cup from the bottom. Works great. Was always got water up my nose before someone turned me on to this technique. I'd get a few "dixie" cups and try this out a few times before your next race. Just set up a small table and run by it at full speed. After 2 or 3 tries you'll be pro and will be showing everyone else that bungles it during a race.

Great race.

Journey to a Centum said...

Thanks for the report! I'm going to put this 12K on my mental list of races to do before I die. I've always wanted to run the Golden Gate Bridge. Did you see any jumpers?

Yep, drinking water on the run can be a challenge. I tend to run to the aid station, grab two cups of water and step away clearing the way for others as I walk and drink. This way at least I know that I'm getting the water I need. In shorter races I pinch the top of the cup so the water won't slosh out and sip from one of the pinched corners. I'll also do what Andy does and just drink it really fast but I usually end up coughing a bit and working to catch my breath. I've never tried sucking the water out from the bottom as Phil has suggested.

Get that speed work in! That's the ticket. Next race your in with the 70 year old running diva you can pace her and then close the gap at the finish! That's the cool thing about running, you can pick your competition. Just this weekend I picked out a guy in a red shirt that was ahead of me about 3-4 miles out from the finish. I told my running partner that I didn't care who passed me but I was going to finish ahead of that guy in the red shirt. He was about 400 meters ahead of us when I declared him as a target. It took us about a mile to catch him but once we did he faded quickly back and we finished about 8 min. ahead of him.

miss petite america said...

thanks for stopping by. i'll be right behind you at santa cruz...i can't WAIT for race day!!!!