Friday, March 16, 2007

This week in running . . .

My 9 miles last Sunday were so much easier than the week before. I took the same route and ran all the hills without much trouble. Then an easy 2 miles Tuesday, and a fast 5 miles today.

I'm a bit nervous about the 12k on Sunday. I reduced my mid-week miles in preparation, and as a result I feel like I've hardly run this week. It's also a distance I'm less comfortable with, and thought I'm not entirely sure of the course, I think there will be a few good hills. Regardless, I've set my sights on a 1:15 time, which is a bit faster than I ran the recent 10k.

The weather just keeps getting clearer and warmer here, and with the extra hour of light in the evenings, it's really beginning to feel like summer.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Best of luck on Sunday Rose ... just go out and have a great time. Looking forward to the race report.