Friday, April 6, 2007

Faster and Faster

Our Wednesday night run was the fastest 5 mile training run ever at an average 9:39. We set out to complete our usual 5 mile route in 45 minutes, but that proved to be a little too ambitious. Andy was in good form (and it's more comfortable for him to run faster), but for me it was sometimes difficult to keep up that speed. That, and I ran most of the run with a blister developing on the arch of my left foot, and a side stitch in my left side. I was able to keep it at bay with a routine of exaggerated breathing, but as soon as I relaxed, it started up again.

In celebration of Spring Break, we're taking off a few days from work, renting a car (don't really need one in the city), and heading down the California coast to the Carmel/Big Sur area this weekend. It is a beautiful, and popular, stretch of coast and small towns, which will be gearing up for the Big Sur Marathon in a couple of weeks. There are some secluded (but alas, well known) hot springs a 10 mile hike in from the highway south of Big Sur, and we're thinking about running the trail in, spending a few hours, then hiking back out again before nightfall. Don't know if it's a realistic plan - the trail is hilly and demanding, so we'll have to think it over carefully. Once we've run 10 miles in without much food or any camping gear, we'll pretty much have to hike the 3 hours out whether we "feel like it" or not . . .

Not sure what kind of Internet access we'll have, so I may not post again until Tuesday. But I'll be taking a couple of good runs - and a lot of pictures.

Happy running this weekend.


Phil said...

Running in Carmel will be great! Don't know what to make of a blister on your arch. This area is usually really stable usually not conducive to blister development. If you haven't been fitted for running shoes at the top notch running store, I'd suggest you do so. Anyone that sells you shoes should spend time talking with you about your running and objectives. They should also take a look at your existing running shoes (this lets them know how you pronate). All this before they start suggesting shoes.

Good luck

Jamie Anderson said...

Speed of a puma! Way to go! Have fun with the spring break adventure. I'll be spending my spring break having knee surgery! Yeehaw!