Friday, February 16, 2007

Testing the Nike +

I took the Nike + for its first test on my run today. In truth, I'm still not sure how accurate it is. At first, it seemed to be tracking the mileage correctly, but over the course of the run, it seemed to be reading miles just a little short, until it announce the completion of the run what seemed like 2 or 3 tenths of a mile too soon. That's pretty far off, but that was the aggregate of each mile being just a little off - probably somewhere around .05 per mile, which doesn't seem so bad, especially before calibration. As far as pace, it definitely works best at a steady speed. It's not great at registering minute alterations, and it seems to recognize foot turnover better than changes in stride length. Sometime this weekend, I'm going to take it up to Kezar Stadium and test it on the track, which should give a much better picture of how well its working.

I will say, it was great for motivation to be able to get instant (if not exact) feedback on my speed. According to the gizmo, I ran three miles in the 9:30-9:45 range, which is definitely my fastest tempo run speed, and which felt fast but very doable. By the time I slowed for my cool-down mile 11:30 felt positively, impossibly, slow. All in all, a fantastic run. We're basking in our traditional February warm spell right now, with temperatures near 60F most days. I was actually looking for the shady side of the street on my run. That, and the left shin seems to have realized that I'm not backing down, because it didn't let out a peep but for some token resistance in the first mile. I iced before and after the run and it feels fine now.


Unknown said...

I agree, the instant feedback is one of the best features.

I'm pretty sure the problems I was having with mine were because of interference with my HR monitor. The first run I did WITHOUT the jacket that has the pocket directly over the HR strap had good data.

And, hey, for $30ish, it ain't bad at all. I haven't really calibrated mine yet, but many of the loops I do come in at the same distance consistently. I do suspect that the very low temps is possibly affecting it, but hearing what you're running in lately, it should n't be a prob for you. Sixty degrees? You suck :)

Jamie Anderson said...

Hey, with some calibration, it sounds like you found yourself a great training tool! Good fer your!

60 degrees?! Not going to comment...